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Average Cost of a Motherboard


The motherboard, or the master board is one of the most crucial components of a gaming PC. If you are like most people when it comes to building a PC, you have to balance a delicate budget.  The motherboard is just one component amongst many such as your graphics card, CPU and RAM. Understanding the price of a motherboard and what you can get at each price point will be important when setting your budget. In this guide we walk you through the average cost of a motherboard

How Much Does a Motherboard Cost? : $96.00

Our “Get the Cost” bot found the average price on Amazon for a motherboard is $96.00. The motherboard should be bought first while creating a computer. Since it connects the other computer components, it is important to check specifications before purchasing. It is common for customers to buy a motherboard-CPU combo. Our “Get the Cost” bot found the average bundle to be $160. 

[lasso type=”grid” category=”best-motherboards” link_id=”2195″]

Average Cost of a Motherboard by Brand: $

A common mistake people make when creating computers is believing that motherboards do not contribute to the performance of the whole unit. While it won’t increase the FPS speed of the computer, it will prevent system failures and long term damage to other components. In addition, more expensive motherboards may have additional benefits such as extra USB ports and diminished overclocking quality.

See also  Average Cost of a PC Cooling System

The different manufacturers create Intel and AMD motherboards.  Our “Get the Cost” bot found that ASUS motherboards tend to be the costliest while ASRock motherboards were the cheapest. 

Rank Brand Price Check Price
1 ASRock $133
2 MSI $175
3 ASUS $255
4 Gigabyte $221

Average Cost of Motherboard by Model: 

In 2019, the most popular and commonly used motherboards range from the Z390 to the to the X299. Like most computer components, there is a wide range in the cost of motherboards between the majority and the high end. 

Rank Model Price Example
1 Z390 $138
2 Z370 $150
3 X470 $167
4 X570 $315
5 X299 $509
6 B450 $147

Gamers focused on pure performance can find motherboards for as much as $2000. For the majority of people, however, they will be more than satisfied with moderately priced motherboards. Intel focused casual gamers should be fine with the Z390, while those wishing to maintain the flexibility to upgrade could spend more on the X299. Similarly for AMS users, performance and future-proof focused gamers can opt for the X570 while more casual ones can go with the X470 or B450. 

[lasso ref=”gigabyte-z390-aorus-ultra” id=”1482″ link_id=”1113″]

Average Cost of Motherboard-CPU bundles

Many gamers choose to buy their motherboard and CPU as a bundle. Looking beyond brands, our “Get the Cost” bot found that intel bundles are cheaper than AMD, averaging $122 vs $160. 

Rank Brand Price Example
1 Intel $122
2 AMD $160

Here is a breakdown of pricing for different bundles by model type:

Rank Model Price Example
1 MIS $152  
2 Gigabyte $109  
4 ASRock $116  

The most popular retailers for motherboard-cpu bundles are Microcenter, Newagg, and Amazon. 

See also  Average Cost of a Gaming PC (2024)



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