Veneers is one of the most common dental procedures used to correct a wide range of aesthetic concerns, such as chipped, damaged, broken, or smaller-than-normal teeth. Some patients can only get only one veneer for a damaged or chipped tooth, while others get up to eight veneers for an even, symmetrical, tooth-whitening smile. The materials that make up porcelain veneers include gold (which is also sometimes referred to as “clear veneer”), a thin layer of resin, and a bonding agent. In this guide we discuss the average cost of veneers and let you know what you should expect to pay.
How Much Do Permanent Veneers Cost? $10,800 to $20,000
If you get a full set, veneers cost anywhere from around $10,800 to $15,000 for a set of six and an average cost of $14,400 to $20,000 for a set of eight. Since getting dental veneers is a cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance of your teeth, they only do the teeth in the front that can be easily seen. For that reason, a full set of veneers typically only consists of six to eight of them to create a new smile.
Despite the fact that most definitions and explanations of dental veneers include words like “permanent” or “permanently” no set of dental veneers will actually last forever. Porcelain veneers are the longest-lasting type though. They usually require removing a layer of enamel from your natural teeth to affix them, so they’re not meant to ever be removed, but rather replaced if they should come off, making them as close to permanent as it gets.
How Much are Veneers per Tooth? ~$1,600 to $2,500 per tooth
You can also get individual dental veneers rather than a full set if you don’t have that many damaged, crooked, or discolored natural teeth that you need to cover up. That can often cut down on the cost substantially, depending on how many you get done. Individual veneers also have a wide price range,=. In general, they tend to cost anywhere from $1,600 per tooth to $2,500 per tooth. To keep the cost down, you can try to get as few dental veneers as possible and attempt to address less severe or less visible issues with other, less expensive cosmetic procedures such as tooth whitening.
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Average Cost of Veneers by Type
There are two main types of dental veneers, porcelain, and resin-based composite. The type of veneer will influence the price you pay for them. Porcelain veneers tend to look and feel more like natural teeth and last longer than resin veneers. For that reason, they are typically more expensive. Porcelain veneers cost anywhere from $925 to $2,500 per tooth. While you may pay anywhere within that range, typically porcelain veneers cost about $1,500 per tooth on average.
Resin veneers, on the other hand, can be quite a bit cheaper. They are cheaper to produce and usually take fewer visits to complete, however, they likely won’t last as long. Resin veneers cost anywhere from $250 to $1,500 per tooth.
What Influences the Cost of Veneers?
As you may have noticed, the cost of veneers has a very wide price range. This is due to the many factors which can influence the cost. Some of those factors can include:
- The condition of your natural teeth. They may need to reshape or remove enamel from your natural teeth or otherwise prepare them for veneers. The more complex this process is, the higher the cost.
- The type of veneers you get. Porcelain veneers are more expensive than resin veneers.
- Location. Different areas will have a different average cost.
- The number of visits required. The more times you have to come in, the more it will cost.
How Much Do Veneers Cost Without Insurance?
Unfortunately, because dental veneers are considered to be a cosmetic procedure, like Rhinoplasty, insurance will rarely cover any amount. You will have to pay the full cost out-of-pocket. In rare cases, insurance companies might cover some of the cost in situations where they are deemed to be medically necessary rather than cosmetic in nature.
Insurance will only cover you if the damage you wish to cover up with the veneers was caused by disease or injury, and sometimes natural decay. Even in those cases where it is deemed medically necessary, they’ll still likely only cover a small portion of the procedure. Every insurance company, and even every insurance policy, will be different and have different requirements and payment amounts.
Cost of Taking Care of Veneers?
Caring for veneers requires pretty much the same maintenance as caring for your natural teeth. You’ll need to make sure you use a non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid damage to the veneers. You may be advised to avoid eating particularly hard foods, biting things to open them, or drinking liquids that may stain them. Other than that, all you have to worry about is chipping or losing a veneer. If you should need to replace one, you won’t get a discount. But remember, porcelain does cost more but porcelain veneers last about three times longer. We recommend you factor replacement into your decision regarding material and care for your new smile well.